Dear Parents/Guardians:
I would like to thank all of our parents and guardians for choosing Metacomet Elementary School for your child’s school. We will provide your child with a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through development-appropriate instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles. Our school promotes a safe, orderly, caring, and supportive environment. Each student's self-esteem is fostered by positive relationships with students and staff. We strive to have our parents, teachers, and community members actively involved in our students' learning.
Please take some time reviewing our Parent handbook (this can be found on our webpage). We respect all parents and guardians as our student’s first teachers. We must work together to help your child grow into a lifelong learner and a good human being. You are a welcome member of our school. This begins at our front desk where our friendly and helpful administrative assistants will help to answer any of your questions/concerns. I will also help you in any way possible. You can find me at the front door greeting students and parents in the morning. You will also see me saying "goodbye" to students and families at the end of the day. We want you to feel comfortable sending your children to Metacomet School. If you have any concerns or feel that your questions have not been answered, please see/call me.
Please be aware that all visitors/parents must have an appointment with a teacher to be able to walk through our halls. We take the safety of our students very seriously. Everyone that is allowed to pick up students MUST have their name on the student emergency cards that are kept in the nurse's office. Please make sure that you call the school and speak to our school administrative assistants and update your phone numbers/emergency cards each month. If there is ever an urgent situation, we must be able to reach you.
While your child/children are at Metacomet Elementary School, we expect them to grow into lifelong-learners. We have a rigorous curriculum that is based on the Common Core State Standards.
Our academic day begins at 8:45 am. The teachers begin the day with "morning meetings" from the "Responsive Classroom" where students are greeted by one another, they share something about themselves, and we review the school rules. After we discuss the schedule for the day, and if time permits, the class will play a group game to get everyone adjusted to school and working with others.
Students have 120 minutes of literacy (Open Court) per day which includes a 30 minute phonics/word analysis lesson; a 60 minute reading and responding lesson and a 30 minute language arts/writing lesson. Students also have a 75 minute math block (Bridges/Number Corners) each day which includes a 60 minute math lesson and a 15 minute number corner lesson.
The students go to lunch for 30 minutes and have recess for 30 minutes. During lunch we encourage our students to eat healthy. This includes having a well-balanced meal with vegetables, fruit, and a mix of protein and complex carbohydrates. At recess, students will play and have fun with their classmates in an unstructured break. We have a wonderful playground. Our students LOVE it!!
Finally, the students will have a 45 minute Unified Arts class each day (physical education, music, art or library). They will also receive an additional 30 minutes of Unified Arts once a week. During physical education, students must wear sneakers to participate. When our students have library, they can check out books to read at home. These books must be returned the following week.
During the course of each day we will teach and model our school rules: Respect, Responsibility, and Self-Control. We want our students to do well both academically and socially. We also want our students to love coming to school. We will be holding many fun and exciting events at our school like: Community Forums, Family Literacy Night, and Family Math Night
I hope you and your child/children have a great school year here at Metacomet Elementary School!!!
Paul Guzzo