School Information
SCHOOL HOURS: 8:25 AM to 3:25 PM. Students may enter the school building for breakfast at 8:25 AM. Parents/guardians are asked to remain with their child either outdoors or in their vehicle until 8:25 AM.
DISMISSAL PROCEDURES: Dismissal begins at 3:15 PM. If you need to pick your student up before dismissal you must park in the visitors parking lot and come in the office. Parents who'd like to pick up beginning and after 3:15 PM can remain in their vehicle, bare right down the driveway and park on the side of the building near the cafeteria. Students will be released through the cafeteria doors. Please be prepared to show photo identification to staff on duty.
TOPS: Navy blue, light blue or solid white collared tops.
BOTTOMS: Khaki or navy blue bottoms. Skirts must be at knee length.
SHOES: Sneakers, dress shoes, boots. Please do not send students in crocs, flip flops, open toes shoes/sandals, and heelys.
STUDENT ABSENCE/TARDINESS: If your child will be absent or tardy from school, please call our office. To excuse an absence or tardy please write a note to your child's teacher or email our office staff Erica at or Jasmine @
EARLY DISMISSAL: We require written or verbal confirmation from parents/guardians in advance to make changes to your child's dismissal plan. We understand things come up but please try to notify the school at least by 2:00 PM!
You can contact your child's teacher via Class DOJO or call our office at (860) 286-2660.
VISITORS: All visitors entering the building must present photo identification. Any adult picking up a child up from the office must always have an ID readily available each time upon entry. Individuals picking up students must be over the age of 18.
TRANSPORTATION: To request an alternate stop or request transportation to/from a new home address please contact our office staff.
STUDENT SUPPLIES: Students are allowed to bring in a backpack, a change of clothes in the event of an accident, a lunchbox, 1 water bottle, sweater (with no hood), pencils and a notebook. Please ensure all belongings have been labeled with your child's name. The following items are prohibited and will be confiscated:
Electronics , hand held held games, Apple watch, tablet or iPads, trading cards, Heely shoes, stuffed animals, or dolls. If your child must have a mobile device it should remain powered off during school hours and kept in their backpacks.
Erica Laplante (Acevedo)
Executive Administrative Assistant
School: (860)286-2660 ext. 5112
Jasmine Fairley
Administrative Assistant
School: (860)286-2660 ext. 5105